Monday, January 17, 2011


It rained in the rainforest on Sunday. Imagine that. We had to switch activities with the other group, which we all found hilarious due to both the hike and the bus ride in the rain. We were pretty vindictive. Anyway, we got into another canoe, took another small hike, and then went to visit a shaman. He did this ritual on us where he smoked a lot of stuff and supposedly cleansed us of our evil spirits. It’s my suspicion, however, that he just gets worshiped for being high as a kite all the time. But whatever. Then we tried our talents with blowguns and spears. There were targets and each of us took turns. Turns out I can use a blowgun. Turns out I can’t throw a spear. After such adventures, we visited a tree. It reminded me quit a bit of the home tree in the movie Avatar, as it was HUGE. Trees don’t get very big in the Amazon due to all the competition, but I couldn’t even see the top of this one. It was beautiful! We also took turns climbing vines hanging from it like Tarzan cuz apparently that’s a real thing. Then, we got into the canoes and went back for lunch and free time till dinner. The rest of the time really was just about hanging out and such, and it was quite enjoyable. All except for the part of the night where we found a tarantula.