Monday, January 17, 2011

Friday Part Two

So we got our roommate assignments, and most people have three to a room. Not me. I am paired with legitimately the only person on this trip that I really can’t handle. Of course. So, we take our bags along the raised platform to our nice cabin life structure. The first thing Catherine says is “oh, what bed do you want?” Then upon seeing there is a window, immediately retracts her statement with “Never mind! I want this one,” while rushing to claim it with her things. It’s just like rooming with Matt. (Love you dear brother.) The next thing she proceeds to tell me it this: “I’m sorry but I wanted to let you know that I have a bubbly tummy.” Great. What does that even mean? She elaborates further: “Which means I’m very gaseous.” OH. I SEE. And her parting statement as she heads into the bathroom, a smile on her face: “Even my cat have Irritable Bowel Syndrome.” Needless to say, I used the bathroom in our room close to never, and, due to the fact that in Latin America the water pressure sucks, we are supposed to throw toilet paper in the garbage can. The whole room smelt comparable to a hot day at the State Fair. When we started getting ready for bed, she found a spider. Ok. So I will be the first to admit that I can’t stand spiders. Catherine wins, however. It’s eleven at night and she walks next door to get Ben. She asks him to kill it but he wants to let t go outside alive. They argue, he releases the spider, she goes back to washing her face, etc. This sequence of events takes place THREE TIMES IN A ROW. That first night I go to bed thinking I can do it, it’s only for a few nights, and then I won’t have to deal with her anymore. That is until she as to get up to go to the bathroom at one in the morning. Not only does she talk to herself the entire time, but also she then spies a bug and screams. Then: “We have cockroaches!” About five minutes later she asks me if she woke me up. I think she woke the entire rainforest up. She continues to talk to herself, whether asleep or not, I have no idea, until approximately three in the morning when I decide that I need some alone time because it would ruin my trip to end up in jail for murder and head to the outdoors. The good experience that came from this is that I am the only student who got to watch the sunrise over the Amazon. And I got to see it three mornings in a row!