Thursday, June 21, 2012

Our Group Discovers Pirate Accents

This happened today.  Truth.

Today was another hot day, although the heat index was only 100 as opposed to the 110 of yesterday. And it did feel a bit nicer, although the work itself was more difficult because our units are getting deeper and we can’t really get into them to excavate, so reaching the far corners or even the middle has become somewhat of an art we now refer to as archaeology yoga.  The positions are quite god for building muscle mass.  Similarly, my the muscles in my hands are still quite sore, and, as an added bonus, I accidently cut my toenail to short last night which lead to a day of pain every time anything touched my toe.  And it’s the awful pain that makes your stomach hurt because it hurts so much.  So.  Yes.  Happiness. 

But actually.  I am proud to declare that today, we hit bone, and I was the one to uncover it.  To be more precise, we uncovered the top of a skull and part of a bandana around the victim’s neck in unit one, along with another shoe, the bottom of a pant leg, and some unidentified clothing in unit three.  It was a busy day.  We also decided to do some more surface searching and we ended up finding anther bullet case, as well. The case seems to be coming together. 

My personal highlight of the day occurred around 11:30 this morning.  I was attempting to clip a rather large root that was impeding the excavation of unit one when it snapped back up and a huge chunk of dirt flew into my eye.  To my dismay, my blink reflex occurred just a bit too late causing my eye to snap shut with the dirt firmly lodged within.  This continued to be a problem as the dirt refused to occupy its new home to the point where my eye was leaking brown tears.  It was lovely.  And it would have been fine had my contact not popped out.  Now, the outside being what it is and with myself not being at the height of cleanliness, I hesitated to put it back into my eye.  And then it fell on the ground and made my choice for me.  Now, since without my contacts I can see color and maybe a shape if I’m lucky, I was less of an asset for my team.  This being the case, Heidi drove me back to Cashin so I could obtain a new contact and flush out my eye.  That was all the backstory to the highlight of my day, which was actually getting to pee inside my dorm at a real toilet.  But yeah.  That’s why I got to go inside. 

Laundry is not this colorful.
I had another peanut butter and banana sandwich and it was grand.  For dinner I ate another goat cheese and chicken sandwich.  I seem to be forming habits.  Also, today is laundry day, as I have officially ran out of field pants and almost every other necessary article of clothing, not to mention it’s been over two weeks without washing my sheets.  Although finding the laundry room was an adventure I’d care not to discuss.  And the washers are big enough for maybe half a normal load and the dryers don't dry things all the way the first time around.  Plus both the washers and dryers are $1.50 per load.  But I'm ranting.  Today the team made more concrete plans for tomorrow and the weekend, and I think it’ll probably be pretty good.  Tomorrow is supposed to storm, so I’m not sure if we’ll end up actually going to the field.  I hope we do since our excavation has actually begun to generate some excitement.  Regardless, tomorrow will be a day.  Tonight looks like more television and probably some eating.  Yes.  My personal life is invigorating.