Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm in New England and I Finally Get Dunkin' Donuts

Today started of differently than others, simply because, when I woke up, the world wasn’t blurry.  This sounds like a good thing, but it wasn’t because it means I left my contacts in over night, which is just about the worst thing a person can do to themselves.  Ooops.  So that took a little getting over.  After I had come to terms with this tragedy, I proceeded to get ready for the day, and Jackie and I headed over to the lab. 

It was supposed to get up to 80 today, but it only got up to about 74, thank goodness.  We were digging all day.  By the end, our excavation units were all at least 5cm deep, with two of them being 20cm deep, which was a lot of progress.  The units look really neat since they're so square.  Jeff and I continued to dig up the cloth we thought might be a sleep until Heidi told us they hadn’t put the foam there and they didn’t know if it was dangerous or not, so we stopped with that idea.  Also, it turned out to be a tube sock.  The highlight of the day was fully excavating an entire woman’s shoe in unit one.  Or the time we found a salamander and it was sleepy and yawned.  Also I learned everyone’s middle names, which was nice.  I like the excavation par, it’s just a lot of the same thing over and over, although it’s a little like what I imagine gambling would be like.  It’s the hope that you find something that keeps you going, knowing any shovelful of dirt could have something cool in it.  We found a lot of little things today, mostly nails and other metal things.  I also realized that I don’t really mind being dirty all that much, I just don’t like getting my other clean things dirty.  So, I don’t mind having dirt all over me, bit when it comes to digging in my backpack for something, I don’t like that.  Although, you think you don’t mind being dirty until you take a shower at the end of the day and a ray of sunshine comes down from the clouds and Jesus says, “You gave been cleansed.”  Or, that’s what happens in my head. Another thing is that I really enjoy my group and it's really nice because we don't usually disagree on things.  The only reason that was brought up is because the other team was having some issues coming to a consensus.  I'm glad we don't really have to deal with that.  Lastly, in our excavation pits today, I saw both a toad and a salamander.  What a day.  

We only had one fatality today, and it was that of my clipboard, whom Jeff stepped on.  There was much sadness and talk of him buying me a new one.  For lunch, which I had been excited about since 9:00 AM, I had a pb and j, a Capri sun, Cheetos, chips ahoy, and some carrots.  It was super yummy.  I also never had to pee in the woods today, which was a pleasant surprise.  I take back what I said about the excavation of the shoe being the highlight of the day because the actual highlight was when Heidi’s in-laws came to visit with four boxes of Dunkin' Donuts.  Tomorrow is supposed to be record highs for this area, reaching about 95.  I hope the weather people are wrong!  As for this afternoon, it will be spent attempting to find a new Tv show.  I miss Dr. Who.