Monday, June 25, 2012

The Day I Get Real Food

For some reason, Friday was an extremely hard day for me to get work done.  It wasn’t quite as hot as all the other days, and yet I still felt very tired and had little to no motivation.  Heidi said it’s because the work is cumulative.  I did do quite a bit of mapping and sifting though, so that was fine.  We had to stop just a bit early because the weather was supposed to get fairly bad in the afternoon.  Nothing too extensive occurred on Friday besides the continuation of the plateauing of the bones and the leveling of the rest of the units at level four.  We did a little bit of site survey, but nothing too extensive.

The exciting part of Friday came after the excavation when almost our entire team went to Bub’s Barbeque for dinner, which was awesome.  I just have one thing to say about that experience: unlimited sides.   Yes.  After that fun time, we kind of all went our separate ways except for Jessica, Jeff, Oliver, Laura and I, who all went over to Laura’s house for the evening to hang out.  I got home around midnight and watched some telly then went to sleep.  I slept SO WELL. 

Saturday was Mutton and Mead day, the day we had all been looking forward to for weeks.  Mutton and Mead is Amherst’s version of Ren Fest, only smaller and with tents instead of buildings and less food.  It was a good time, even when there was torrential downpour and every single person there had to cram into the tavern.  There were sing alongs.  So that was a thing.  It involved much hanging out and merriment.  I purchased souvenirs.  The rest of the day was a lazy day, as was all of Sunday.  It was a nice, relaxing weekend.  Except for that it was so warm and humid in the dorms and that the construction people start work at 6 AM.  Still no further update of secret loud neighbor.