Monday, July 2, 2012

I Meet the Real Sheila

On Friday we finally got to see our actual skeleton.  It wasn’t until after lunch, however, because we had quite a few things we needed to do beforehand.  Firstly, we had to wash the bones of the plastic skeleton we got out of the ground.  We also had to take inventory on our field kits.  This took a while.  I mostly spend my morning doing most of the mapping before we got to go to lunch and see our real victim.  I didn’t quite finish, but I was happy with my progress. 

 Our victim is a young female.  Jenifer and I aged and sexed her while Jackie worked on trauma and pathology, Mary took bone measurements, and Jeff did some other stuff.  I pretty much never know what Jeff is doing.  I assume it’s important since he’s lab leader and all that.  We also found out the dentition of our skeleton must be disregarded, and the skull cannot be used for aging.  This is a problem, since we were getting huge possible ranges from the auricular surfaces and pubic symphysis.  So, we shall see.  Natalie mainly worked wit evidence.  Nothing too exciting happened beyond that.

After lab, many of us went to Bueno y Sano to eat delicious burritos.  It was great and them ice cream happened and it was even better.  Although we had talked abut getting together Friday or Saturday night, it never really happened.  Therefore, I spend my weekend watching the entirety of Game of Thrones.  SO.  GOOD.  On Sunday, us Cashin folk ordered pizza and ate that for social time.  Other than that, sleep occurred.  Although it wasn’t very good sleep due to how Cashin has no temperature control and the outside was over ninety degrees each day, making the brick inside a sweltering and uncomfortable level of heat.  I also took a shower somewhere in there.  Hygiene and all that.